I want to love you, PYT 

It has always perturbed me the amount of time and stress people put into worrying about dating and the opposite sex (or the same sex, if you prefer). I believe society puts too much pressure on finding a mate at an early age and therefore people go searching for someone just so they won’t be alone. I am still very young, 22, but I have learned that you must love yourself before you can even begin to think about giving your love to another person.

Being in a male-dominated industry, wine sales for those of you who aren’t up to date, getting hit on is a daily occurrence. Now, I want to make something clear, I am not saying this to toot my own horn, I am saying it very matter-of-fact this is what happens day to day attractive or not. Random customers approach me and say the most ludicrous things, “you’re too pretty to be working at wal-mart sweetie” or “hey cute thing are you old enough to be puttin’ up that wine?” In one ear and out the other, thank you retard America. Being that I am in my accounts 5-6 days a week I have gotten to know many of the managers pretty well. They never hesitate to ask, “You’re so pretty why don’t you have a boyfriend?” I mean really? What do you want me to say, “Because I have a third nipple, because I am secretly mental, or could it be that my laugh is too loud” ??? A personal favorite is when people say, “You’re going to make someone really happy one day.” What does that even mean…thats such a bs thing to say, really? how kind.. I mean come on people, what is wrong with being 22 and single these days. In fact, relationships are overrated and I believe too many people are in them for the wrong reasons. Please do not confuse my beliefs with pessimism, because that is not the case at all. I do believe in love and awesome relationships, just all in good time. I will tell you, if the person you are with, or are hoping to be with, is not bending over backwards to make you happy, then they aren’t the one for you. When you’re in love you will want to do anything for that other person.

One thing I have learned in my tenure in the dating world is not to jump the gun. It is easy to fall for someone so quickly and be in lustville for the first couple of months, but it will only make things harder if it doesn’t work out. I know it is easy to say all of this but easy to forget when that special person comes around.

I guess my main point that I am trying to get across is that it is okay to be single, in fact, its healthy. You can’t “fix” or “change” people so just be yourself always and things will fall into place. At the moment my radar is off, its all just Jilly time right now, and that makes me happy.

Work hard, play hard, BUT work ≠ play


My dog Max who is my one true love in GA that I miss very much

Love of my life

My awesome, beautiful, sweet lil sister Ali for flying to Orlando to cart me and my 5 cases of wine home for Christmas

All of my awesome customers– Keep buying that wine and bubbly!